DBS Card Game Fusion World Regional Wave 2 - Bologna

DBS Card Game Fusion World Regional Wave 2 - Bologna



Take Part in DBS Card Game Fusion World Regional - Bologna to Win Amazing Exclusive Prizes!

Event Type:


The DBS Card Game Fusion World Regional - Bologna is a competitive event, open to all DBS Card Game Fusion World players.





To participate in this event, each participant must be equipped with:

- a tournament legal DBS Card Game Fusion World deck;
- a smartphone connected to the internet with the dbs-cardgame.it app installed;



Registration:  Mandatory Online Registration with Instant Payment.

If you don't have a Play ID (Play-System ID), please make sure to create one before registering
Italian Players Play ID Registration Link
Non-Italian Players Play ID Registration Link


Information and Schedule:

Event is structured in 2 days, as follows. 

Day 1 - Saturday, 14th September 2024

10:30 a.m.  >>> Player Briefing and Tournament Start
During Day 1, there will a number of Swiss Rounds based on the total number of participants. 
Each Swiss Round lasts 35 minutes with Best of One Matches.
At the end of Day 1, top 16 players will advance to a Single Elimination Playoff taking part in Day 2.

Day 2 - Sunday 15th September 2024
10:30 a.m. >>> TOP 16 Single Elimination Playoff Start
Each Playoff 
Round lasts 60 minutes with Best of Three Matches


Event Capacity: 512 Players


Deck List Required

You will need to have the Play ID and use the Deckbuilder from the Player Area of the site onepiece-cardgame.it or the deckbuilder of the app DBS-Cardgame.it (available in the Android and IoS store) to create and submit your list before the tournament starts.
In case you don't have a Play ID, you can create it by clicking HERE.


Entry Fee and Participation Prize:

- Entry Fee: 35,00 € (Includes: 3x Championship Pack 02, 1x Energy Marker Pack 03, 1x Promotion Pack 03)

*Physical Participation in the event is mandatory in order to receive the participation prize.
A player who does not show up at the event will not receive the participation prize but will receive a partial refund net of Paypal commissions.

Furthermore, each ticket is personal and cannot be transferred to anyone else.

Registered players will need to show within the end of the 1st Swiss Round to take part in the event.
If a registered player doesn't show within the 1st Swiss Round, their registration will be cancelled and the first player from a proper waiting list created on site will take their place.


TOP 64
1x Championship Pack 02
1x Alt-Art Card (A)

TOP 32
1x Alt-Art Card (B)

TOP 16
1x Goku Serial Card

1x Finals Invite

1x Championship Sleeve Wave 2 (64 units)

2nd Place
1x Alt-Art Card (A)
1x Alt-Art Card (B)

1x Alt-Art Card (A)
1x Alt-Art Card (B)
1x Playmat Wave 2



Prize images

Championship Pack 02 (2 cards/pack.) (8 card types + Alt-art of each)

Energy Marker Pack 03 (2 cards/pack.) (5 card types + Alt-art of each)

Promotion Pack Vol. 3 (5 cards/pack.) (5 card types)

Alt-Art Card (A): FB03-064 Son Goku


Alt-Art Card (B): FS05-11 Bardock


Goku Serial Card


Championship Sleeve Wave 2 Ver. (64 sleeves/pack)


Playmat Wave 2 Ver.



Distribuzione per l'Italia:

Sito: www.gametrade.it
Email: info@gametrade.it


Elenco Organizzatori

Data Formato Sede Torneo Indirizzo Regione
14/09/2024 10:30 Constructed Extended Centro Artemide - Hotel Castello Viale Delle Terme 1010/b 40024 Castel San Pietro Terme (bo) Emilia Romagna Contatta

Giocatori Pre-Registrati

1 09/07/2024 8500006965 Manuel Garcia
2 09/07/2024 0100002181 Jacopo Toro
3 09/07/2024 3400007794 Mattia Morandini
4 09/07/2024 1000016077 ***********
5 09/07/2024 1500016068 Yuri Zanda
6 09/07/2024 2600016078 Daniele Buccolieri
7 09/07/2024 7100012792 ***********
8 09/07/2024 5900016080 Fabio Martin
9 09/07/2024 3400011139 Vittorio Palumbo
10 09/07/2024 4800016052 Lorenzo De Luca
11 09/07/2024 3200016079 Thomas Ferrari
12 09/07/2024 2900000185 Mattia Biavati
13 09/07/2024 1500000320 Stefano Baronchelli Sfera 1Sfera 2
14 09/07/2024 9400002007 Mirko Gurian ** VIP **
15 09/07/2024 2700009351 Mattia Mambrin
16 09/07/2024 3800013292 ***********
17 10/07/2024 3200013229 Giuseppe Castellese
18 10/07/2024 5700010792 ***********
19 10/07/2024 2100009021 Lorenzo Tranchina
20 10/07/2024 2900013228 ***********
21 10/07/2024 1500016086 ***********
22 10/07/2024 5400013294 ***********
23 10/07/2024 0900016067 Matteo Idromela
24 10/07/2024 9300016020 ***********
25 10/07/2024 7800013755 Giuseppe Tarsitano
26 10/07/2024 2100016087 Andrea De Lisi
27 10/07/2024 3700016088 ***********
28 10/07/2024 2300009333 Giulio Corbini
29 10/07/2024 2500014089 Pier Carlo Maria Patarca
30 10/07/2024 5400016071 ***********
31 10/07/2024 4300016089 Alessandro Vallario
32 10/07/2024 8100008147 ***********
33 10/07/2024 8200016092 ***********
34 10/07/2024 8300000677 ***********
35 10/07/2024 2100009122 Samuele Villa
36 10/07/2024 3600001259 Matteo Vertua
37 10/07/2024 1600008975 Samuele Tarroni
38 10/07/2024 7700008980 Khaled Gawasmeh
39 10/07/2024 4100009335 Davide Cavazzuti
40 10/07/2024 5200009491 ***********
41 10/07/2024 1500000322 Francesco Scaringella ** VIP **
42 10/07/2024 9800016093 Matteo Vertemati
43 10/07/2024 0400016094 Alessandro Kovar
44 10/07/2024 5800009822 ***********
45 10/07/2024 5000009730 ***********
46 10/07/2024 2600016096 ***********
47 10/07/2024 2300009232 Danilo Ferrara
48 10/07/2024 5800001288 Davide Pegorari
49 10/07/2024 0100010917 ***********
50 10/07/2024 3200016097 Karim Gawasmeh
51 10/07/2024 1000016095 ***********
52 10/07/2024 4500000691 Lorenzo Zanuttigh ** VIP ** Campione Nazionale 2019
53 10/07/2024 7200005525 Thomas Ponthieux
54 10/07/2024 1200000843 Michele Franchetti
55 11/07/2024 9000016103 ***********
56 11/07/2024 0200012906 Rares Luzzi
57 11/07/2024 6700005524 Kevin Ponthieux
58 11/07/2024 3400016107 ***********
59 11/07/2024 9600013179 Davide Tedeschi
60 12/07/2024 7300016110 Ignazio Cacciatore
61 12/07/2024 0300001247 Alessandro Trolese
62 12/07/2024 8700016047 ***********
63 13/07/2024 2300016115 Andrea Vittone
64 15/07/2024 1200011704 Mattia Ceroni
65 15/07/2024 0400010678 Kevin Barberini
66 15/07/2024 3400013384 ***********
67 15/07/2024 4700011213 Mattia Fabbrica
68 15/07/2024 0700010513 Gabriele Mengozzi
69 15/07/2024 8100014993 ***********
70 16/07/2024 5800011269 Federico Anselmo Ansaldi
71 16/07/2024 6500016027 Andrea Maugeri
72 16/07/2024 3400010941 Daniele Cavalcante
73 17/07/2024 8900015763 Giordano Nisticò
74 18/07/2024 1200016141 Mirko Ruggeri
75 19/07/2024 4900014311 ***********
76 21/07/2024 9300016084 Lorenzo Orlandi
77 24/07/2024 7600014415 Gaetano Pingo
78 24/07/2024 3100002830 Mattia Desogus
79 24/07/2024 1200011641 ***********
80 24/07/2024 3000011702 Cristiano Acciari Travagli
81 25/07/2024 5500012846 ***********
82 25/07/2024 1600014831 Giuseppe Schiavone
83 26/07/2024 1700016178 Luca Pittori
84 26/07/2024 5500014826 Pietro Di Vincenzo
85 28/07/2024 9000016185 ***********
86 28/07/2024 0100016195 Lorenzo Cerri
87 28/07/2024 9500016194 Francesco Barellini
88 28/07/2024 2700000891 Enrico Russo
89 28/07/2024 1700016196 ***********
90 30/07/2024 0300016205 Salvatore Di Guida
91 31/07/2024 7100010006 ***********
92 01/08/2024 6700011628 Luigi Alfredo Luis Siano
93 01/08/2024 0300016223 Francesca Virgilio
94 02/08/2024 4400002846 Davide Menchini
95 02/08/2024 3100016226 Manuel Spanò
96 03/08/2024 4800004798 Ermes Benedetto
97 03/08/2024 2500016243 ***********
98 03/08/2024 3100016244 ***********
99 03/08/2024 4500009702 Giacomo Vacchiano
100 04/08/2024 7000011216 Alessandro Timbo
101 05/08/2024 1400016251 Daniel Buchholz
102 06/08/2024 8600016258 ***********
103 06/08/2024 7500002050 Gerardo Mariani
104 06/08/2024 5800016255 ***********
105 06/08/2024 4000000462 Marco Benaglia
106 07/08/2024 9200016259 Davide Balasso
107 08/08/2024 0300016269 ***********
108 08/08/2024 7200011308 Marco Giugni
109 08/08/2024 1500014152 Federico Abatti
110 08/08/2024 3900014282 ***********
111 09/08/2024 6400016274 Simone Mozzoni
112 09/08/2024 9800016039 Marian Mihaita Andrunache
113 09/08/2024 7000001244 ***********
114 09/08/2024 7000011270 ***********
115 10/08/2024 5800005587 Rachele Mussetti
116 10/08/2024 7600005653 Andrea Pastore
117 10/08/2024 9000008661 Luca Irano
118 10/08/2024 5700000610 Philip Tarpini Vincitore Pro Points 2019
119 10/08/2024 0700000615 Giorgio Brunoni
120 10/08/2024 4500000967 Fabio Di Stefano Chiavaro
121 10/08/2024 5000000647 Matteo Bernardi
122 11/08/2024 1900000908 Davide Faccenda
123 11/08/2024 6400016292 Gabriele Zambon
124 12/08/2024 4100009289 Cosimo Argentiero
125 13/08/2024 2000016298 Giacomo Giugno
126 14/08/2024 9400016305 Diego Scagliarini
127 15/08/2024 3600000241 Nicola Savini
128 15/08/2024 0100013280 Nicola Villamagna
129 15/08/2024 4300009894 ***********
130 16/08/2024 8900011107 ***********
131 17/08/2024 9400014967 ***********
132 17/08/2024 6400016210 Francesco Magnelli
133 17/08/2024 2700016317 ***********
134 18/08/2024 3000009471 Lorenzo Arletti
135 19/08/2024 6600016320 Anthony Dezio
136 19/08/2024 7400014259 ***********
137 20/08/2024 3800016327 ***********
138 20/08/2024 9800014435 Andrea Perucchini
139 21/08/2024 5000016329 ***********
140 22/08/2024 0500016333 Matteo Ferraresi
141 22/08/2024 0900002109 Marco De Iuliis
142 22/08/2024 5400009758 ***********
143 22/08/2024 3400013696 ***********
144 23/08/2024 8800016340 Francesco Barbaro
145 23/08/2024 1900016260 Costantino Berardocco
146 23/08/2024 1600016343 Tommaso Venturelli
147 24/08/2024 2100015648 ***********
148 24/08/2024 4000014898 Antonio Stefanizzi
149 25/08/2024 1700016150 Cristian Sarnataro
150 27/08/2024 9300002694 Roberto Errante
151 27/08/2024 8300016359 ***********
152 27/08/2024 4900016355 Federico Romeo
153 27/08/2024 3300016354 ***********
154 27/08/2024 2900014805 ***********
155 28/08/2024 2100007463 ***********
156 28/08/2024 3800016363 ***********
157 28/08/2024 4600000518 Giancarlo Sciddurlo
158 28/08/2024 7000016257 Giovanni Gentile
159 28/08/2024 5000016365 ***********
160 28/08/2024 6600016366 ***********
161 29/08/2024 1800003842 Alessandro Forcina
162 29/08/2024 9900016378 Luigi Serio
163 29/08/2024 3300016372 ***********
164 29/08/2024 4400016382 Nicola Magno
165 29/08/2024 5000016383 Alice Francalanci
166 30/08/2024 5000016347 Giacomo Carrara
167 30/08/2024 7200016385 Eric Lin
168 30/08/2024 9400016387 ***********
169 31/08/2024 2200016362 Gianluca Pommella
170 31/08/2024 1600016361 Raffaele Carinola
171 31/08/2024 4600004082 Diego Amadei
172 31/08/2024 2000016270 ***********
173 01/09/2024 9600016415 Fabrizio Burgagni
174 01/09/2024 0200016416 Ciro De Pace
175 01/09/2024 5100004010 Alessandro Bregu
176 01/09/2024 0300003043 Niko Giaccaglia
177 02/09/2024 9100016424 Andrea Piazzalunga
178 02/09/2024 2900016427 Lorenzo Angelucci
179 02/09/2024 1600013896 Matteo Tosetti
180 02/09/2024 3500016428 Samuele Petrosillo Baffa
181 02/09/2024 0900011080 Alessio Battaglia
182 02/09/2024 4100016429 Kevin Dambrosi
183 03/09/2024 7400016431 Kevin Liu
184 03/09/2024 8000016432 Nick Zhu
185 03/09/2024 6100016357 Andrea Rossi
186 03/09/2024 3800016381 Flavio Ciliberti
187 03/09/2024 8300016377 Gabriele Sansossi
188 03/09/2024 5700016420 Jacopo Bagnati
189 04/09/2024 8800002170 ***********
190 04/09/2024 3000016419 ***********
191 04/09/2024 1300016444 Antonio Gallo
192 04/09/2024 9300016048 ***********
193 04/09/2024 3200015979 ***********
194 04/09/2024 6300016449 Leonardo Del Conte
195 05/09/2024 2400016454 ***********
196 05/09/2024 1800014097 ***********
197 05/09/2024 3000016455 Lorenzo Minissale
198 05/09/2024 3500014916 Marco Bozzelli
199 05/09/2024 4600016456 Marco Mascione
200 05/09/2024 5200016457 Richard Quach
201 05/09/2024 0700013565 Manuele Iaccarino
202 05/09/2024 7400016459 ***********
203 05/09/2024 4800016098 ***********
204 06/09/2024 4700016263 ***********
205 06/09/2024 0700016461 ***********
206 06/09/2024 6300012755 Alessandro Fiorito
207 06/09/2024 5700016466 ***********
208 07/09/2024 8000016478 Pietro Scimia
209 07/09/2024 1600004043 Daniele Amadei
210 07/09/2024 9600016479 Flavio Scimia
211 07/09/2024 4700011790 Giuseppe Rubino
212 07/09/2024 2900016481 Antonio Ciriaco
213 07/09/2024 3500016482 Fabio Tollini
214 07/09/2024 6500001564 Mattia Ciuffetelli
215 07/09/2024 5700016484 Gianmarco Palombo
216 08/09/2024 4600000602 ***********
217 08/09/2024 1100016370 Alessandro Cavallo
218 08/09/2024 6800016494 Matteo Bonito
219 08/09/2024 5000016301 Filippo Pucci
220 08/09/2024 5600000601 Marco Cariboni
221 08/09/2024 6200016128 ***********
222 09/09/2024 8500016423 ***********
223 09/09/2024 6300001409 Marco Del Pizzo
224 09/09/2024 9600016497 ***********
225 09/09/2024 9300010576 Nicolas Bazzoni
226 10/09/2024 3600010415 Michael Meazzo
227 10/09/2024 2600016500 Roberta Siciliano
228 10/09/2024 7000010547 ***********
229 10/09/2024 3600012903 Maicol Ricci
230 10/09/2024 5400000317 Valerio Innocenzi
231 11/09/2024 7700012994 Marco Cianella
232 11/09/2024 1300016462 ***********
233 11/09/2024 3500016464 ***********
234 11/09/2024 1800016499 Francesco Girgenti
235 11/09/2024 8300013297 ***********
236 11/09/2024 3600005659 Riccardo Rossi
237 11/09/2024 3800003138 ***********
238 12/09/2024 2100016519 Andrea Massimini
239 12/09/2024 8000016496 Alessio Massimini
240 12/09/2024 4200012726 Luca Spagnoli
241 12/09/2024 0300010027 ***********
242 12/09/2024 6500016513 ***********
243 12/09/2024 7600016523 ***********
244 12/09/2024 8200016524 Luca Prascina
245 12/09/2024 7000016293 ***********
246 12/09/2024 7400016477 Lorenzo Baratti
247 12/09/2024 2900016463 Andrea Cavaliere
248 12/09/2024 9300002144 ***********
249 12/09/2024 9800016525 ***********